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PurePak version 2.07 by Crypt Keeper [ckeeper@axiom.access.one.net]
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Files checklist... you should have the following:
README.ppk - You are here
purepak.irc - Main IRC script
purepak.hlp - Help database
pp-bots.irc - PurePak DCC RAW bots module
pp-kicks.irc - PurePak Splatterkicks module
pp-dcc.irc - PurePak DCC module
pp-silly.irc - PurePak lame junk module
If you are missing any of these, mail ckeeper@axiom.access.one.net to get a
full copy of the script.
Release notes for version 2.07:
This will probably be the last new version for a little while. I am working
on a larger project at the moment.
2.07 is a minor bug fix in nick highlighting from 2.06
There is a version '2.08' going around. This is a hack and probably has
backdoors in it.
The ftp.ahbqs.com ftp site is no longer available and has been shut down
for a long time. There is a new mirror on ftp.connectnet.com, see the
'where can I get updates' section for more info.
I'm also having a problem accessing the ftp.access.digex.net site so
that one may end up down too.
See the revision history for a list of changes in this version.
Table of Contents:
I. Frequently Asked Questions (also look here for troubleshooting)
II. Where can I get updates to PurePak?
III. How can I un-clutter my directory of all these purepak files?
IV. What to do if you have a suggestion or have found a bug
V. PurePak revision history
I. Frequently Asked Questions (and troubleshooting)
Q: How do I join a channel? What is IRC? How do I signoff? What
is a script? What is a server? ...etc..
A: You should familiarize yourself with IRC before you try to use
an IRC script. Try typing '/join #irchelp'
Q: What is this thing?
A: It's an IRC script. It runs under the ircII Internet Relay Chat
client, adds commands to it, and makes it generally easier to use.
You can get a copy of the ircII client by anonymous ftp to
cs-pub.bu.edu. This script has only been tested under the Unix
version, but it has been reported to work under WinIrcII and
perhaps OS/2. You must have an ircII script compatable client to
use it (at least version 2.2.9).
Q: How do I load this?
A: Type '/load purepak.irc' from inside IRC. If you get file not
found error, make sure you and purepak.irc and all of it's files
are in the right directory. Also, if you got it in .ZIP format,
make sure that the filenames are in lower case if you are under
Unix! On my system, you can give the unzip program a -L option
to make it extract filenames in lower case. Unix filenames are
Q: What are pp-kicks.irc, pp-bots.irc, etc. scripts?
A: These are the add-on scripts that can be loaded after purepak.irc.
They depend on purepak.irc and won't work without it. You can load
them manually as you need them with /load, or you can set them to
auto-load on startup (/pphelp settings).
Q: What is purepak.hlp?
A: This is the help database. It is a script, but you shouldn't load
it manually. It is auto-loaded on demand the first time you use
/pphelp. It must be in a place where PurePak can find it or you
won't get any help.
Q: What is the PurePak equivalent of /setaway and /noaway?
A: Just use /away as you normally would without a script. /away <away msg>
to set away, and just /away with no parameters to come back.
Q: Where is /talkto and /endtalk?
A: Those were just aliases to IRC's /query command. /help query
Q: I am using the EPIC IRC client or another hacked/alternative client
and am having problems.
A: I can't guarantee that the script will work flawlessly on hacked or
alternative clients. The script has only been tested on unhacked
clients. Anonymous ftp to cs-pub.bu.edu to get an unhacked client.
Common problems include: DCC RAW bots don't work, /net doesn't work,
/sve doesn't work, wierd messages, segmentation faults when using
complicated routines like /bot massdeop, etc.
Q: I get an error about the script being unable to determine my home
directory when I use /sve
A: E-Mail me: what version of the script you're running, what version
of the client, and what type of system. The script and client version
can be retrieved by typing "/version", and typing "uname -a" at your
system prompt will usually tell you what type of system you're on.
Q: I am using /window commands or /net and many things (such as protections)
don't work right, or messages appear in the wrong window.
A: Two problems: 1) The script wasn't written with multiple-window support
in mind, and 2) The IRC client's multiple window support is not that
great. The best thing to do is to see if you have a program installed
on your system called "screen" which will allow you to run multiple
copies of the irc client and any other program in different "windows."
I have found that ircII version 2.2.9 appears to work the best for multiple
windows, but it is an old version and has a few other bugs.
Q: I'm using an EPIC client and DCC bots don't work.
A: As far as I can see, $connect() is broken (or purposefully disabled?)
on the latest EPIC client. Get the plain irc client to use the bots.
Q: /users and/or /fmdop don't work right or don't work at all.
A: Get a newer client. They don't work at all on very old (2.2.9) clients
and may not be reliable on others due to bugs in raw_irc and ischanop().
The latest client is recommended. Anonymous ftp to cs-pub.bu.edu.
Q: PurePak causes the client to 'segmentation fault' when it is loading.
A: See the next Q: if you are using your client with the -d switch. Else,
the best solution is to upgrade your client. Get the latest ircII
client from anonymous ftp to cs-pub.bu.edu.
Q: I am using my IRC client with the -d option (dumb terminal mode)
and strange things happen.
A: The script should work in dumb terminal mode, but using it with
the -d option isn't recommended. It can produce strange results
as the script often uses inverse/bold control codes. Some old
2.2.9 clients will crash in dumb terminal mode with scripts that
mess with the status line or control codes.
Q: I get a whole huge flood of stuff about ONs and ALIASes being
added when I load the script. What's wrong?
A: For some reason, your client is loading the script with the
display setting on. I have never personally seen this, but
one user of TextBox reported it. You could try putting the
following in your .ircrc:
^set display off
load purepak.irc
^set display on
The best solution would be to anonymous ftp to cs-pub.bu.edu
and upgrade your client to the latest version, or ask your
system administrator if the client is installed on the system.
Q: I load it and I get a message about my "TTY" environment variable
not being set. How do I fix this?
A: Put a line into your .login or .bash_login file (or some other
file that is auto-loaded) to set the TTY environment variable to
your current TTY. Examples:
setenv TTY "$tty" (for csh/tcsh)
export TTY="$(tty)" (bash)
If you can't get this variable set, the /unflash command will not
work. If you don't see the error, don't worry about it. You
either already have the TTY variable set or you have an IRC client
version that doesn't need this.
Q: What is that number after the user status flags in my /who display?
A: That is the distance of the user from you in server-to-server "hops."
This has nothing to do with physical distance, it is the number of
servers between you and the other person.
Q: Where is pp-war.irc? It's mentioned in the script and in the help
but I don't have it.
A: It isn't available as part of the archive. I only give this out to
certain people.
Q: What is a "netsplit"?
A: This is in the IRC faq I think, but I guess I'll answer it here
so I don't get a box full of e-mail... A netsplit is when two
servers disconnect from each other, and users on one side of
the network see users from the other signoff, and vice versa.
The signoffs look like this:
*** Signoff: LAM3R (irc.someserver.edu irc.someserver.com)
These are the two servers that have disconnected from each other.
II. Where can I get updates to PurePak?
If you want continuous updates when they come out, the easiest thing
to do is to sign up to the PurePak listserv. To signon to the list,
send a message (any message) to purepak@axiom.access.one.net (sending any
message to this address causes you to be signed up). Do not send any
message that you want a human being to read to this address. It is
a list run by shell scripts. If you have a question, or want to sign
off of the PurePak list, e-mail ckeeper@axiom.access.one.net.
Other places to get a copy:
E-Mail ckeeper@axiom.access.one.net and just say 'gimme purepak' and I'll
mail you a copy uuencoded/gzip'd/tar'd, or if you say you want it in
pkzip format, I'll e-mail it to you uuencoded/zipped.
There may be a bot on IRC called 'PurePak'. If it is online, and it is
from axiom.access.one.net or shell.one.net, you could get the script from
it. Don't trust it if it is online from some strange place.
Anonymous ftp to:
ftp.access.digex.net /pub/access/cdolphin/purepak
ftp.connectnet.com /pub/irc/purepak
axiom.access.one.net /pub/purepak (primary site, part-time link)
You could ask me if you see me on IRC. My nickname is 'CKeeper'.
However, this is not the safest way to get the script as there is
no nickname ownership on IRC and anyone could pose as me and hand
out bugged/hacked copies of my script. This happened several times
with TextBox, so I discourage you from getting it this way. If you
would like to get it this way, /msg me 'xdcc list' to see if I am
III. How do I un-clutter my directory of all these PurePak files?
Create a directory off of your home directory (the directory you are
in when you log in, duh) called "purepak" and move all this stuff
into it. Then, load PurePak by typing "/load ~/purepak/purepak.irc"
and don't worry about the other files. PurePak will automaticly add
~/purepak to the script load path and will find the rest of it's
modules and stuff just fine.
The ~ is expaneded to your home directory.
If you don't want to type out the /load every time you run IRC, put
the line "/load ~/purepak/purepak.irc" in your ~/.ircrc file.
IV. What do I do if I have a suggestion or have found a bug?
If you have a suggestion or have found a bug (there are almost
certainly bugs), send e-mail to me with a **DESCRIPTION** of the
suggestion or bug. E-Mail me at ckeeper@axiom.access.one.net.
Do not send me things like "/mdop doesn't work"; if you have found
a bug, tell me what you were doing when the bug occured, what
happened, and what client version you were using (/version to get
this). For suggestions, don't send me stuff like "add /wall",
since I don't have every single IRC script ever made and
I don't automaticly know what the command you're asking for is
supposed to do. Describe it!
Please don't /msg me on IRC about suggestions or bugs. I am very
likely to forget something I see flash by my screen in a message.
Mail is saved in a folder so I can look back at it later.
V. PurePak revision history
1.00a - First alpha test release, released to a few people
* Fixed the bug reported by many users that caused them to get
a "purepak.irc file not found" error. If you are still seeing
this when you type "/load purepak.irc", there is a serious
problem on your end. :)
1.00b - First public release
* Decided to add pp-kicks.irc
* Put it under the GNU General Public License... some people
actually mailed me about licensing back when I was writing
TextBox so that should fix that.
1.01 -
* You should not get any more 'unable to determine hostname' errors
* Bots now set themselves +i (invisible user mode)
* Setting of the IRC 'shell' variable is now saved by /sve
* Fixed a couple small bugs in pp-bots.irc
* Added /kradwrite and /kradsay to pp-silly.irc
* Added /wordkick
* DCCs are now logged while away
* Away "your message has been logged" notices now only sent to the
same nick once in every 2 minutes (and the message is now "your
messages are being logged")
* Auto-ignore works if clonebots have lots of ~'s in their usernames.
* Added quick guardbot maker alias /gb to pp-bots.irc
* Added 'HELPUnload' toggle to /pp to switch automatic unloading
of help information.
1.02-1.04 -
* Skipped these #'s because of a hacked version or two
1.05 -
* Added some code to make certain server notices look better
* Added some desynch notification code (requires umode +s)
* Added /rwhois
* Added /bot massdeop
* Your clonebots are excluded from massdeop protection
* Auto-ignore ignores nick floods
* Other small improvments to flood protection
1.06 -
* Message/notice format settings are now _fully_ customizable by typing
/pp mformat. The only problem is that the code could be faster.
* Added /pp motd setting to show/hide server motd on startup
* Improvments to flood protection
* XDCC friends list autoget toggle (/xdcc friends) to toggle automatic
file receiving from people on friends list
* Added 'writemethod' setting (FAST,SLOW) to toggle how PurePak
writes it's .sav file. Use SLOW if FAST doesn't work.
* Added "channel protection"
* Guardbots join all your channels automatically when created with /gb
* Added a simple "netsplit tracker", and the /whosplit command
* Fixed a few bugs in pp-bots.irc
* Inverse space floods are now detected in msgs/notices
* Improved the appearance of who lists, and added some highlighting
of important messages
1.07 -
* /sve may work on many more systems now
* Timeout protection (so you don't timeout on idle-time-limited servers)
works better
1.08 -
* Fixed the ping reply bug
* Script now suppresses those annoying "dgets timed out" messages that
some newer clients give you when you're using slower links such as
SLIP/PPP. These messages are just warnings.
* Added PGUP/PGDN/HOME scrollback keys
* The time field in message formats doesn't print the date, only the time
* Added personal away messages
1.09 -
* Fixed /notify nick removal bug
* New method of writing purepak.sav that should be very fast and work
on almost any system. It does however create a new window for a moment.
It uses the IRC logging feature to write to the file. Since nobody
uses a 2400bps modem anymore I don't think this will be a problem.
* /ban alias now inserts random ?'s into ban strings
* Idle timeout protection should now work on almost any idle timeout
protected server. Mail me if it doesn't.
* New DCC server module: pp-dcc.irc (replaces XDCC)
* Added /nslookup and /pp lookjoin setting (the 'host' program must be
on your system)
* Should now work ok on EPIC clients
* /sve uses $open(),$write(),and $close() on EPIC clients
* More ASCII art in pp-silly.irc
* Added /pp nostartup (switches on/off suppression of script startups)
* Added [Lag: XX] indicator (server-to-client lag) to status line
* Added support for channel specific friends/enemies lists
* Added /rkick (random kick) to pp-silly.irc
2.00 -
* Fixed a problem with lag indicator
* Fixed /ban bug that made it stop if there was a 0 in ban string
* Ban alias now handles IP addresses as ???.???.???.* since the order
of host.subdomain.domain is the opposite of hostnames
* Added /pp funkybans switch to toggle random ?'s in bans
* Added pack statistics display to dcc offer listings
* DCC note is saved with /dcc save
* DCC DOFFER command adjusts pack numbers so they remain continuous
* DCC server takes working directory into account
* Massdeop should work now on all EPIC clients
2.01 -
* Fixed bugs with /dcc send and /dcc chat in pp-dcc.irc
* /dcc save and /dcc load defaults to purepak.dcc
* Someone typing 'xdcc' publicly in channel no longer sets off dcc server
* DCC send limits should now work
* Added DCC autosend timeouts (/dcc timeout)
* If you give a umask (N!U@H) to ban/unban it just does a +b/-b on it
* Added /dcc publist toggle to allow/disallow public CTCP XDCC LISTs
* Added send request queueing if all slots are full
* Fixed a really lame bug in /dcc notice
* Fixed bugs in /nslookup and lookup-on-join
* Added XDCC LSPACK /msg command
2.02 -
* Added /users (fast who) command
* Auto rejoin on kick delays 2 seconds
* The timestamp sent when you join a channel is the time the topic was
set, not the time the channel was created
* Mass mode change aliases check to see if you are opped
* Added /fmdop (massdeop that uses /users records)
* Removed /lameban (usually got _you_ banned)
* DCC limits and timeouts should work ok on ircII 2.2.9
* Timestamps added to notify signon/signoff
2.03 -
* /users bug fixes
* /users warns of inaccurate ischanop() or if a channel hasn't synced yet
* Cleaned up some stuff in pp-silly.irc
* Fixed more bugs in dcc send limits
* pp-dcc.irc contains code to ignore dcc sends and chats using priviledged
port numbers-- usually bombs that try to get you to chat with chargen
or something else that will flood your terminal
2.04 -
* Clonebot usernames are more random
* Away notices tell the caller when you went away (away since ...)
* Added /dcc autochat (automatically get chats) switch
* DCC chats are also automatically gotten if friends list autoget is on
and the user is on your friends list
* Added "me" bot action command (like /me)
* Speed optimizations to formatted echo routine used when you get a msg
* Idle timeout prot shouldn't ever have any more problems with no such
nick/channel messages
2.05 -
* /users should work now with multiple windows open
* Personal away notices should work with special characters in nicks
* /nick will work for networks with long nicks
* /users self-updates if you do a /who command
2.06 -
* Added /pp beepsplit to toggle beeping on netsplits
* Added highlighting of public messages if someone mentions your name in
a channel
* Added /pp page switch to switch CTCP PAGE beep
* Added /pp tprint switch to toggle printing time every 10 minutes
2.07 -
* Fixed CTCP ACTION bug in public nick highlighting
* Added /pp nickmatch <string> to set the match string... if it is set
to '.', then it matches your current nick.
* /users might behave just a little better :P